January Gardening Must Do Jobs
Posted January 07, 2023

On those nice days in January it’s a great time to get out to enjoy fresh air, make note of what needs to be done in the coming weeks, and see what needs attention.
These are a few things I do to help keep on top and not get behind on my to do list when the weather begins to warm.
- Plan this years garden now. Include crop rotation, secession cropping and don’t forget to try new ideas this year!
- Cut curly kale. The longer this classic winter vegetable remains in the ground, the more aromatic the leaves become. The middle and upper leaves are the one to cook with - pick them as required, starting towards the bottom and moving upwards. The lower, very tough leaves can be used as a mulch, or fed to chickens or livestock.
- Parsnips and Jerusalem artichokes can be pulled from the ground throughout the winter as needed.
- Arugula (rocket) will thrive on a windowsill, even over the winter. Sow regularly for continuous cropping.
- Plant the beds crop rotation for the coming season.
- Any pruning should be done only on milder days.
- Spraying horticulture oil can be done now when no rain is expected within 24-48 hours. Copper can be mixed with horticulture oil if you have had peach leaf curl, fire blight or other diseases.
- Hardy and evergreen plants should be watered sparingly, and only when the temperature is above freezing.
- When clearing snow, make sure not to pile too much of it on top of beds or lawns. Never use salted snow onto planted areas.
- Mulch garlic and feed nitrogen like blood meal or feather meal. This will be the last feeding of nitrogen.
- Warmer areas can begin to warm soil with clear plastic for early planting of radishes and peas the beginning of February.
- Trim old leaves of Hellobores so you can see blooms that will be coming in the next few weeks.
- Start several brassica crops indoors. Read seed pack labels.
- Buy seeds early so you have the best selection.
- Sow Wildflower Seeds.
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