Seed Starting Number of Weeks to Start Seeds Before Planting Out for Spring
Posted December 22, 2022

Starting seeds indoors will vary significantly by crop. Get the most success by planting according to your frost-free date in your area. Below is a list of vegetables and the weeks they should be started before your last spring frost.
Vegetables Number of Weeks
Artichoke 8
Basil 6
Beets 4 to 6
Broccoli 5 to 7
Cabbage 5 to 7
Cauliflower 5 to 7
Celery 10-12
Collards 5 to 7
Cucumber 2 to 4
Eggplant 8 to 10
Kale 5 to 7
Kohlrabi 5 to 7
Leeks 8 to 12
Lettuce 4 to 6
Melons 3 to 4
Mustard 4 to 6
Onions 8 to 10
Pea 6 to 8
Peppers 8
Hot Peppers 8 to 10
Pumpkins 3 to 4
Summer Squash 2 to 3
Spinach 4 to 5
Swiss Chard 4 to 6
Tomatoes 6 to 8
Watermelon 3 to 4
We like to start our brassica crops a week sooner than most seed packets suggest. We find that if we don't they do not preform as well in our zone 8. Simply tricks like this is leaned from growing experience and years of record keeping.
Comments (1 Comment)
Thanks Ali! I have been watching your seed starting video series and this will help.
Posted by Andrea on December 22, 2022
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