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Florist's Sunny Bouquet Sunflower Seeds

Florist's Sunny Bouquet Sunflower Seeds


Who can resist flowers with names like 'Apricot Twist', 'Lemon Sorbet', 'Moonshadow', and Peach Passion'? Plus there are more that are also livening up this brilliant mix are 'Starburst Lemon Éclair', 'Stella Gold', ProCut Orange', and Starburst Lemon Aura'. These tall plants, some single stemmed and some branching, are ideal for the back of the garden or as a border. Plants only 10" apart to produce longer stems with smaller blooms. As pollen less hybrids, there'll be no more messy pollen drop from your gorgeous cut flower arrangements, but still plenty of nectar for pollinators. Drought tolerant, but best flower production with regular water.

Annual | 3 grams | 10-15 days to emerge 

NON GMO verified | Traditional Seeds 

watering can


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