Soil Temperature Conditions for Vegetable Seed Germination
Posted March 08, 2023

We plan our calendar and plant our crops from seed, but they don't always come up as planned. Often times it can be the temperature of the soil that plays a role in that. From year to year our weather can be colder than normal, making our soils cold as well. Seeds have an optimum soil temperature range they germinate the best, a minimum that they may not germinate, or are extremely slow and often times with larger seeds causing them to rot in the ground. The same goes for the warmth of soil, to hot can cause seeds to possibly not germinate at all. Below is a list of common vegetables and their range of germination. You can use a soil thermometer to gage the soils temperature and slightly adjust your planting date by a few days or weeks if the weather/temperatures are not cooperating for the BEST germination.
Crops Minimum Optimum range (°F) Maximum (°F
Apsaragus 50 75-85 95
Beans 60 75-85 85
Beets 60 75-85 95
Broccoli 40 60-85 95
Cabbage 40 60-85 95
Swiss Chard 40 65-85 95
Corn 50 65-95 105
Cucumbers 60 65-95 105
Eggplant 60 75-85 95
Garlic 32 65-85 95
Leeks 32 65-85 95
Lettuce 32 60-75 85
Cantaloupe 60 75-85 105
Okra 60 85-95 105
Onions 32 65-85 95
Parsnips 32 65-75 85
Peas 40 65-75 85
Pepper 60 65-75 95
Pumpkins 60 85-95 105
Radishes 40 65-85 95
Spinach 32 65-75 75
Squash 60 85-95 105
Tomatoes 50 65-85 95
Turnips 40 60-95 105
Watermelon 60 75-95 105
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