How to Grow Organic Beets from Seeds
Posted August 30, 2022

If you have ever struggled getting beets to germinate well with direct sowing, you are not alone! It may surprise you that beets grow well from transplants. By sowing seeds in seed starting trays, you get an earlier harvest and raise more plants with success and a higher germination rate!
Sow 5-6 seeds in each module and these can be planted out in one clump. These clumps can be placed in bare spots in the garden. When planted between onions and garlic they will be ready about a month before these crops and they make a great natural living mulch.
Regardless of how you start to sow your seeds, beets (beetroot) prefers rich, free-draining, well-cultivated soil. However, do not plant in freshly manured ground as this can cause the roots to fork. Beets can be rinsed through a sieve under cold water for a full minute and this helps with the germination process. Beets can be planted in March through June and again in the fall around August to Early September. Once beets are 1-2 inches tall they will benefit from a feeding of liquid kelp sprayed on their foliage every 10 days to 2 weeks until harvest time. Birds love the sound seedlings, so be sure to protect with a floating row cover. Keep beets moist in the early stage of growth. In cold climates you will benefits to cover with a frost blanket. Beets can be harvested around 6-12 weeks or until a decent size. They will be come woody if left in the ground much longer than that. Being fast growing, beets are ideal for a catch cropping and intercropping.
Try Golden Beets! When pulled as a small young beet, you don't even need to peel them. They are exceptional roasted with other root crops.
Beets that have been roasted and peeled make a great easy salad with just a drizzle of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, a little salt and pepper to taste.
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