April Gardening Tasks
Posted April 09, 2019

April is a time of transition. The days are lengthening, warmer temperatures encourage plant growth and regeneration, but we gardeners are still at the mercy of sudden changes in the weather.
- Continue to sow early vegetable varieties outdoors, but avoid working with wet soil.
- Be ready to protect young crops against adverse weather.
- Watch out for emerging pests and protect any seedlings against birds. Earwigs, pillbugs and slugs love spring greens. Sprinkle sluggo plus around to protect tender new starts.
- Weeds also start to proliferate, competing for light, moisture and nutrients. Now is the time to keep the cultivator or hoe on the move to prevent weeds from gaining the upper hand.
- Pay close attention to watering new transplants, as new roots will be forming and should not be allowed to dry out.
- Earth up early potatoes.
- Begin mulching soil if the temperatures are warm.
- Prepare beds for tomatoes by digging over and incorporating lots of compost.
- Plant asparagus crowns, strawberries, radish, beets, spring onions, Swiss chard, and turnips.
- Warmer climates such as our zone 8 can begin to plant tomatoes, peppers, summer squash and eggplant. After April 15th (last average frost date for our valley).
- Feed leafy greens with a high nitrogen fertilizer such as blood meal, feather meal, or diluted fish powder.
- Fertilize perennials in the garden such as artichokes and rhubarb with liquid all purpose.
- Sow carrot seed. Use lightweight seed cloth to protect seeds from birds and keep moisture in for better germination.
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