Fall Chop and Drop
Posted September 13, 2017
Productive gardens tend to be a little messy at the end of the season and spending those beautiful fall days cleaning up this past growing seasons debris may not be necessary when instead, it can just compost in place.
Start by removing the larger woody stems and chop with a sharp bladed spade, hoe or garden machete into 4-6" pieces and bury them in to soil surface along with other healthy garden debris. This is the chop and drop method, composting in place. This method saves you time from hauling off garden debris while adding life to your garden soil!
If you have soil amendment to add, do it right on top of the debris and lightly spade or till the whole package together.
Add rock dusts in the fall, particularly after the chop and drop method for excellent results in the spring. It will break down over the winter time and be ready to come early spring.
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