Azomite Micronized, Granular Azomite & Slow Release Azomite, What's the Difference
Posted May 28, 2013

Azomite comes in three different forms and while all three contain the same volcanic minerals, they can be used in different ways. Micronized Azomite is an ultra fine powder that is around minus 200 mesh. It dissolves in water so it can used as a foliar spray and used in irrigation systems. The powder is usually higher in price because of the processing. Rest assured, NO additives are added in the process. The Azomite is just pure Azomite! Micronized Azomite can also be applied directly to the garden, added to compost or compost tea. Micronized Azomite is superior when used in wheat grass production and transplant seedlings. Because it is such a fine powder, it is more readily available to the plants as well.
Slow-release Azomite (coarse powder form) has small sand-like granules and can be a little dusty. It is best when worked into the soil or added to compost. If slow-release azomite is used just on the surface, it can create a bit of a crust. We have found it is very good when added to our compost heaps and then using the finished product (compost + azomite) as a side dressing for fruit trees and vegetables. Slow-release Azomite is more affordable than the micronized version. Slow-release Azomite can also be used in animal feeds to supply a wide range of trace elements.
Granulated Azomite is not dusty and it is very easy to spread with a broadcast spreader. Molasses has be used to bind the powder together making it safe for organic gardens. Granular Azomite is not chemically processed, ever! It can be used in compost heaps, compost teas, spread around trees as well as in garden beds.
The use of Azomite has been proven to increase fruit production, improve plant immunity and create healthier plants.
Comments (2 Comments)
While wheatgrass is at its growing stage or just after it has been cut, use 1/2 to 1 Tablespoon of “Micronized Azomite” per gallon of water. OR you can mix it into your growing medium at planting time. We have good success with using 1/4 cup per 1 cu ft of planting medium. Grow Strong!
Posted by Ali's Organics on January 28, 2015
Thank you this was helpful. I am trying to determine what an appropriate dilution would be for spraying it on already growing wheat grass. can you suggest something???
Posted by Todd on January 27, 2015
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