Growing plants in containers is great for people with small outdoor spaces and those with large garden areas alike. They add interest to front porches, beauty to backyards and they are convenient for growing herbs near the kitchen door for easy harvest. Container plantings need basic care to thrive throughout the summer months. Weather you start from seeds or from transplants. Containers dry out quickly due to sun, wind and the the lack of summer rains and may require watering more than once a day. When the top inch of soil feels dry, it's time to water. Plants in containers need fertilizer to keep them growing lush and healthy. Use a l
well balanced fertilizer once a week. Remember to deadhead flowers to promote new growth and flowers. Pinch back long and leggy plants to increase fullness of plants. Pick edibles when they are small, tender and flavorful. Herbs will become lush when trimmed up often, being sure not to cut back more than a third of the plant at a time. Perennials can become rot bound in pots if left for years. Lift and transplant into a garden bed or move to a larger pot in late summer to fall. Renew potting soil in containers each spring with at least one third
new potting soil. Be creative with your containers! Old colanders, crates, teapots, wash tubs and rusty cans can add whimsy to vintage gardens.
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